Automatic Transmission
Automatic Transmissions is what shift between gears automatically to optimize driving, and changes gears based on the driver’s throttle pedal, vehicle speed, engine speed, and vehicle load. Regular automatic transmissions have 4-5 forward gear ratios, a Reverse, Park, and Neutral gear. Shifting gears happen automatically as the car is in Drive and there is no need for a clutch pedal or gear shift like there is in a Manual Transmission. Automatic transmission repair is complex based on all the components that make it up, and you need to have automatic transmission issues properly assessed by auto mechanics.
Clutches Repair Dubai
There are different type of clutches in both automatic and manual transmission vehicles. When shifting gears, the clutch engages and disengages from the flywheel and transfers the force through the transmission. Clutches should help your vehicle start and shift gears smoothly.
Four-Wheel Drive Transmission
A four-wheel (4×4) drive vehicle has differential gears, both front and rear axles, and a transfer case attached to the transmission. Four-wheel drive vehicles demand maintenance on the transfer case, front differentials, rear differentials, and transmission fluids.
Manual Transmission
A vehicle with a Manual Transmission needs using the gear shift to manually shift gears based on the speed of the vehicle and clutch pedal. Manual transmissions have been built with anywhere from two to eight gears. Front-wheel drive and rear-wheel drive are the two main configurations for manual transmissions. Normally, manual transmissions require less maintenance then automatic transmissions. our auto mechanics can diagnose your vehicle and based on it then recommend the transmission repair or transmission service your car needs to ensure safety and improve the lifetime of your vehicle.
Transfer Cases
This is a part of a four-wheel drive system found in four-wheel drive and all wheel drive vehicles. Transfer case gets its power from the transmission and sends it to the front and rear axles. The majority of transfer cases manufactured today are chain driven, but this can be done with a set of gears too. The transfer case is linked to the transmission and also to the front and rear axles by means of drive shafts.
We offer you the full state of the art automobile garage with well-trained and highly experienced auto mechanics in Dubai.
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